Milkweed Arts
Creating Dimension Course 4: Bubble Control and Fog Techniques, with Paul Messink
Creating Dimension Course 4: Bubble Control and Fog Techniques, with Paul Messink
In addition to our own video program, we have partnered with Paul Messink to bring his Creating Dimension series to you! To purchase this course, please click here.
Course 4 completes the Creating Dimension series by covering two specialty topics that will set your artwork apart from the rest.
The Bubble Control unit will help you achieve nearly flawless clarify in your multi-layered panels. This unit covers the reasons why you get bubbles (and why other methods fail at removing them), then teaches you Paul Messink's methods of eliminating visible bubbles.
The Fog Techniques unit covers three practical painting tips that help you create ethereal multi-layered panels. Then he goes into complete detail on his "fog enhancer", which is his unique way of creating the diffusion of light that he is known so well for.
These final units will give you tools to elevate your work and create beautiful multi-layered panels.
What is Included in This Course?
Course 4 contains over 3 hours of video content, including both instruction and demos. To make this much video easy to watch, the course is divided into 9 chapters, so you can watch exactly what you need, at the time you need it. The videos never expire, so you can watch them over and over. Here is how the course is organized:
- Chapter 1 - Introduction to Course 4
- Chapter 2 – Demo - Making a Powder Shaker
- Chapter 3 – Bubble Control - In Detail
- Chapter 4 – Powder Demos
- Chapter 5A – Bubble Control Wrapup and Firing Schedule Discussion
- Chapter 5B - Brownie Epilogue
- Chapter 6 – Fog Techniques
- Chapter 7 – Fog Process Images
- Chapter 8 – Demo - Applying For Enhancer
- Chapter 9 – Course 4 Wrap-up, and Final Thoughts
Each of the demos have been recorded with multiple camera angles, so you can watch them from an overhead view as well as a side view. (With these close-up camera views, you’ll be closer to the action than you can get in a live course!)
Course 4 also comes with an extensive set of handouts, including over 60 pages of information that give you all the most important information in written form. Two separate handouts summarize all of the firing schedules, and the materials lists for each project and demo.
Set yourself apart, by creating virtually bubble free results and stunning ethereal effects with the Bubble Control and Fog Techniques.